Gulshan Nadaph
3 min readMar 13, 2020

Create your own portfolio website using GitHub pages.

Reference :

Prerequisite : GitHub account , Basic html knowledge , knowledge of git commands, recommended editor Atom.

Create a new public repository at

Name it <username>, where username is your username

On your local machine download any of the free resume themes by simply googling : start bootstrap resume theme (i found some at

Open terminal >> Navigate to the downloaded folder and run following command

git remote add origin …(command mentioned on the Quick setup)

After installation, run npm install and then run npm start which will open up a preview of the template in your default browser, watch for changes to core template files, and live reload the browser when changes are saved.

Make changes to the index.html file like replacing existing details with yours , on saving the changes you should see the changes on the browser , at the same time :).

Add some interesting icons… i used some free on

Once you are done with the changes, run following commands on the terminal you need to push the changes to GitHub.

git status

git add <name of all the files that you made changes to>.

git commit -m”<Short message describing your commit>”

git push origin master.

Hurray!!! Now changes are on GitHub.

Share your link <username>

Note : Run git remote -v on your terminal , it should point to your repository , if it doesn’t, open the project folder in any editor >> .git folder >> config file and change the url to point your repository.

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